Wengfu is a Chinese State owned group and leading player in the fertilizer and rock phosphate business. Wengfu website
Contrarian Investment Holdings is a private investment company, specializing in resource and commodity investments in Africa. Contrarian provides an intergraded solution from the origination of commodity based projects to design, construction and management of mineral beneficiation operators. Contrarian website
Atlantic Ltd.
Atlantic is the 100% owner of Midwest Vanadium Pty Ltd, the Windimurra vanadium project. Atlantic will continue to build upon this foundation to examine further opportunities to develop a portfolio of diversified world class resources projects. Atlantic Ltd. website
Graceland Industry Pte Ltd is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Wengfu Group. Their objective is to act as a vehicle for Wengfu Group to engage and develop business outside of China in order to promote the companies fertilizer products and diversify the business into related industries building on the companies strengths in the China market. Graceland website
ACM Corporation
ACM Corporation is the parent company of the Kiere manganese mine in Burkina Faso and Ansongo mine in Mali. ACM Corporation is an upcoming world-class manganese player. ACM Corporation website